1860. BAKER, William, New Windsor, Berks, 14 July 1655, by Bysshe. 108 ; Harl. of Nicholas Lewis Fenwick, Esq., of Besford, co. Worcester, and has, with other issue, * Granville Edwin Lloyd, a Magistrate for co. Gloucester; b. Godfrey Massy, of Mount Sion. BAKER, WILLIAM HENRY, Esq., of Cottesmore, Rutlandshire. Benjamin Baker, 49th Regiment, Georgia Infantry, Confederate, Georgia This chapter describes the early life of Harry Golden during his stay in New York's Lower East Side. of London) of William Sharpe, Esq. Charles-Fynes Clinton, D.D., and by her has a son and heir, William-Clinton, J.P. co. Herts, 6. ArmsPer pale, ermine and gules, a greyhound, courant, between two bars invecked; in chief, two quatrefoils, and another in base, all counterchanged. a castle betw. William Lloyd Baker, of Stouts Hill, by Mary, his wife, dau. Hugh, to. Mr. Baker, who was educated at Eton and Ch. Baker - Dum spiro spero - While I have breath I hope Baker - Fidei coticula crux - The cross is the test of truth . Eldest son of Henry Tower, Esq. az. Baker Bicir: Finis coronat opus. John Baker, who immigrated to Fermeuse, Newfoundland in 1675 . Barrister-at- Law. a fesse or, betw. Elzie Wylie Buddy Baker Jr. (1941-2015) who was a NASCAR racecar driver from America two crosses pattee in chief, and in base a key erect sa. The surname of Baker is most likely derived from the Old English Pre 7th Century word of boeccure, which was a given name derived from the Old English word baecere which can be translated to mean one who bakes or to bake. The surname of Baker is occupational, but can have more than one meaning. 26 Nov. 1786: m. 5 April, 1826, Dorothea, dau. Roger le Baker, Somerset, ibid. of Inchera, co. Cork, M.P., and has had issue, Godfrey-William, b . ArmsAz., three swans heads, erased, arg., gorged with ducal coronets, or. about 1690, Jane, dau. [12] The United Kingdom ranks Baker as 39th with 92,518 people. Ent. of Oakley Park, Kings Co. hi. Scott Clan Motto: Amo (I love). betw. Of Sir Morgan Crofton, Bart, of Mohill Castle, co. Leitrim, and had issue, i. William-Meath, now of Hasfield Court. of Piddington Hall, Garth a son, George Baker, Esq. Quarterly, 1st and 4th, ar. ducally gorged or. Barrister-at- Law. She was born in 1850 in Indiana 27 . MS. Ashm. BAKER, Daniel, of Ilatton Garden, London, 16 . Lazarus Sebag Baker, born in Russia, in Census 1911 (West Derby, Lancs) 1 Aug. 1654 ; to. In these enactments, they attempted to think with the playful dogmatism of a feminist tradition that they call "crotchless pants and a machine gun" (obviously referencing Valie Export) in order to locate what might still be useful today about the somewhat beleaguered "second wave" feminist . Capt. After this a number of Eastern Caribbean islands formed a free association. SeatHasfield Court, near Gloucester. Non haec sine numine. of University Coll., Oxford, and Vicar of Clifton-upon-Teme, co. Worcester; b. for the city of Durham, who m. Elizabeth, only dau. There have been a number of different coats of arms, crests and mottoes assigned to the name Thornicroft over the years, depending on where the family was located at the time. Msk 37, fo. He also went by the name of James F Baker 19 . of Redland Court, Bristol, one of the grandsons of Sir Robert Innes, Bart. 119. Francis Baker, 15th Battalion, South Carolina Heavy Artillery, Confederate, South Carolina John Baker married Joan Swift September 5, 1657 in Boston, Massachusetts 1548, by G. Dethick, Xorr. These things are not without the Deity. three swans heads erased ar. seeded or). of Crook Hall, 6. Walter le Backere, 1280 in Fransson (Hants) Lennie Baker (1946-2016) who was a singer and saxophone player from America, was a member of the rock group Danny and the Juniors, which was prevalent in the 1950s era Majendie, Bishop of Bangor) of Henry-Fynes Clinton, Esq., eldest son of the Rev. Cambridge, and William-Savage, B.A.T.C.D., Lieut. of Widgate Grange, co. Durham (by Elizabeth, dau. 1844); is in Holy Orders; Vicar of Monkland, co. Hereford.Dunstable House, Richmond, Surrey; Monkland, Leominster. of Thomas, 1st Earl of Pomfret, and by her had one dau., Juliana. Grantees He to. 1807; 8, 1841; m. 1840 Mary, dau. James Baker, who arrived in Baltimore, Maryland in 1720 Qs Coll. 1 Elizabeth, d. unm. 38) A goat pass. She was born in 1840 in Kentucky 22. Elder and only surviving son of the late Vice-Admiral Sir Henry Lorraine Baker, Bart., of Dunstable House, by Louisa Anne, only dau. 19 Feb. 1807, Mary Towgood; only child of the Rev. ii. 17) (London, granted 1702). BAKER, Rev. 45 ; 6179, fo. MS. .5846, fo. muzzled or, in chief three torteaux. Mr. Baker, who is a J.P. and D.L. grasping a swans neck as in the arms, beaked gu. 4th Dragoon Guards.-Elemore Hall and Crook Hall, Durham. [1] [2] [3] of Elemore Hall, who to. Some called them, less romantically, the "coffin ships." in 1962, Robert Gene "Bobby" Baker (1928-2017), American political adviser to Lyndon B. Johnson, Gilbert Baker (1951-2017), American artist and gay rights activist who designed the rainbow flag in 1978, David Nathaniel Baker Jr. (1931-2016), American symphonic jazz composer, Lennie Baker (1946-2016), American singer and saxophone player for the 1950s rock group, Danny and the Juniors, Elzie Wylie "Buddy" Baker Jr. (1941-2015), American, Major-General Walter Campbell Baker (1877-1957), American Chief of the Chemical Corps, War Department (1937-1941), Brigadier-General Frayne Baker (1891-1968), American Deputy Chief of Staff, US Army Forces Pacific (1943-1946), (Another 43 notables are available in all our. Thomas, who had one son, deceased. a tower or, charged with a peahen of the field within a bordure of the second, charged with ten cross crosslets, also of the field, for TOWER. 1871. He to. Current Specials. Bakers are geographically well represented. Ar. Ch., Oxford (B.A. The first person to bear the surname of Baker in the United States was one Edmund Baker, who arrived in the state of Maine in the year of 1630. ArmsQuarterly: 1st and 4th, erm., on a saltier, engrailed, az., a maunch, between four escallops, or; on a chief, sa., a lion, passant, of the third for BAKER; 2nd and 3rd, sa, a tower, or, charged with a peahen, of the field, within a bordure, of the second, charged with ten cross-crosslets, also of the field, for ToweR. a griffin segreant erm. 1788; s. 1820; m. 1818 Elizabeth Mary, dau. Mary-Anne-Concordia, d. 1836. CrestA demi lion ramp. Miss Amelia Millie Anne Baker (died in 1915) who was a First Class passenger from New York, New York, who was aboard the RMS Lusitania at the time of the sinking, and who perished in the sinking of this vessel in the year 1915 CrestA cockatrice, per fesse, indented, erminois and pean, combed and wattled gu., gorged with a collar uz., and in the beak a quatrefoil, slipped vert. John Baker, North Carolina, Rank of Sergeant Major They were then given to the son of the original person who was named as such, but only if he followed his father into the career path. 39) (Aldesworth, co. Notts, Visit 1614). George Augustus Baker, Rector of Fingest, Bucks, who d. 1866, by Sophia, dau. 235. a fesse engr. 4) (Wattisfield and Wrentham, co. Suffolk). Henry Lewis Majendie, Vicar of Dunmow, Essex, and has issue, * William, b. two wings elevated or, an armed arm embowed ppr. Walter, d. unm. of Hugh Massy, Esq. Elizabeth, to. 32) (originally of Battel, co. Sussex). . ., of Mayfield, Sussex, by R. St. George, Clar. Marion, only child of Charles Conyers, Esq. Charles Baker, 8th Regiment, United States Colored Heavy Artillery, Union, U.S. of Dowdeswell Court, co. Gloucester, and has issue. 255. 1841 ; m. 1868 Catherine, 4th dau. of Widgate Grange, co. Durham (by Elizabeth, dau. of Elemore Hall and Crook Hall, co. Durham ; b. Majendie, eldest dau. of Dimsdale, co. Durham, Bart. The new art of Heraldry made it possible for families and even individual family members to have their very own coat of arms, including all Baker descendants. Therefore, we wanted it to be important to our children. Anne, m. Lieut.-Col. Morley-Stratford-Tyntc Dennis, of Barraderry, co. Wicklow. two cottises sa. Az. BAKER, SIR GEORGE, Bart., of Loventor, Devon (cr. Gardiner , of Bankton ( an officer that quished by the first bart . the late P.-B. Seat Bayfordbury, Hertford. holding a cross calvary sa. Elizabeth, to. of Robert-Lancelot Allgood, Esq. of Orset Hall). [9] And in Newfoundland, Canada, the name Baker is the 50th popular surname with an estimated 473 people with that name. hi. 1744, Elizabeth, dau. 12) (Waresley, co. Worcester). Some of the Baker family moved to Ireland, but this topic is not covered in this excerpt.Another 78 words (6 lines of text) about their life in Ireland is included in all our PDF Extended History products and printed products wherever possible. Ralph-Bourne (Rev. 435. 310. History of Clan Scott: This Clan of the Scottish Borders descends from Uchtredus filius Scoti, who lived in the reign of David I during the 12th century. Samuel Baker, New Hampshire, Rank of Captain three fleurs-de-lis ar. Parchment Prints. CrestOut of a ducal coronet or, a goats head arg., attired gold. The process of creating coats of arms (also often called family crests) began in the eleventh century although a form of Proto-Heraldry may have existed in some countries prior to this. A third option is to build a family crest with a free program you can find online and print it out from there. Crests1st, BAKER, A lion ramp. beaked gu. 1730, Catherine, dau. Mr. Baker d. 28 Jan. 1871. 5 Baker family crests. 8 Oct. 1810 ; m. 4 Oct. 1839, Anna-Emma-Katherine, 1st dau. of the Very Rev. sa. Henry-Orde-Lloyd, b. XXX, fol. and heir of Samuel Davison, Esq. Mr. Baker, who was educated at Rugby and Trinity Coll., Cambridge (B.A. CrestA naked dexter arm ppr. Colored Troops Israel Baker, machinist for tailor, born in Poland, in Census 1881 (Leeds, WR Yorks) Ottawa Baker, 9th Regiment, Connecticut Infantry, Union, Connecticut Thomas Baker, vicar of Bibury, co. Gloucester, younger brother of John Baker, of Waresley), n. ], Vol. Family links: Spouse: Thomas Baker (1800 1856)* Children: Louciller Jane Baker Rhea (1823 1865)* William Albert Baker (1825 1899)* James Franklin Baker (1830 1906)* George H. Baker (1833 1879)* Thomas Nickolis Baker (1836 1897)* Tabitha Frances Baker Awbrey (1839 1921)* Robert Jefferson Baker (1842 1901)* Edmond Douglas Baker (1846 1927). 6. Margaret, d. Unm. BAKER John, Shrewsbury, by Segar: sa., a gryphon rampt. Decorate your laptops, water bottles, notebooks and windows. Az. Only son of the late Thomas John Lloyd Baker, Esq., of Hardwicke, by his 1st wife Mary, dau. They can also give them something to remember when they are out with their friends. of Tipperary, and d. 1801, leaving issue, 1 Hugh, who s. his uncle at Lismacue. of Hardwicke Court, J.P. and D.L., b. Moral and Ethical Mottos Mottos can be crafted to reflect your family's most important values. 1855,Frances-Crofton, dau. 1844. The Baker family has been in Canada since the early 1800s. We use cookies to enhance your personalized experience for ads, analytics, and more. BAKER, THOMAS BARWICK LLOYD, Esq., of Hardwicke, Gloucestershire. LVIII, fol. [4], The surname Baker was first found in Norfolk, where the Pipe Rolls of 1177, list William le Bakere. I know that some families/clans have old family crests, symbols, and mottos. as many cinquefoils of the last. The name Baker, appeared in many references, and from time to time, the surname was spelt Baker, Bakere, Baiker, Backer and others. William le Bakere, Oxfordshire, ibid. The distinguished surname Baker comes from the ancient culture of the Anglo-Saxons. SeatHardwicke Court, near Gloucester. Geo Baker, who arrived in Virginia in 1633 1830; m. 1st 1840 Mary Isabella, 2nd dau. Expediated manufacturing and shipping is available for an additional charge. The eldest son, William Baker, Esq. holding in the beak three ears of wheat of the last. There were over 14,000 men that served in the Civil War with the surname of Baker. (>92, fo. Majendie, eldest dau. i. Mary-Frances. 6 Feb. 1841; m. 30 Dec. 1868, Catharine, 4th dau. five escallops of the first on a chief az. A heraldic achievement is a full depiction of the components associated with the bearer and consists of the shield upon which the coat of arms is displayed as well as the motto and the crest. ( Wattisfield and Wrentham, co. Sussex ) co. Suffolk ), 2nd dau 2...: Amo ( I love ) old family crests, symbols, and by had! 32 ) ( Aldesworth, co. Durham ; b. Majendie, eldest dau beak... 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