Corpus Christi, TX 78411-4375 HealthChoiceswill notmake payments if the full obligations of the primary insurer(s) are not met. Government Programs Claims Electronic claim submission is preferred, as noted above. 1-361-878-1623 Select Blue Cross Blue Shield Global or GeoBlue if you have international coverage and need to find care outside the United States. AIM Specialty Health (AIM) is an operating subsidiary of Anthem and an independent third party vendor that is solely responsible for its products and services. Other Adobe accessibility tools and information can be downloaded at endobj Make sure to send your claim form to the appropriate claims payer and specific address. Pharmacy claim submission and Pro- DUR questions ; 24 hours / 7 days a week; Magellan Rx Management Pharmacy Call Center: 1-800-424-5725. With the backing of fully integrated health plans, and a wealth of experience collaboratively managing and coordinating care with physical health plan partners, we have the resources and expertise to achieve improved outcomes through: The linkages between physical and behavioral health are real. BCBS Provider Phone Number. As a Behavioral Health-Managed Care Organization (BH-MCO), Magellan manages members' benefits in coordination with you - our network providers. Box 30271 Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0271 *Washington Regence Group Administrators Attn: Claims P. O. Contact us By mail. 1 0 obj The 60-day inpatient readmission rate in Pennsylvania was nearly cut in half, from 21% to 11%, for members utilizing MAT at discharge versus those who were not.2. BlueCare / TennCare Select Claims Service Center 1 Cameron Hill Circle, Suite 0002 Chattanooga, . Q. I have proof that I submitted the claim within the timely filing limits. You are on primary menu. Pharmacy Claim. There, claims submission information is broken out by prefix/product name. These members enjoy the same level of coverage as other Medicare Advantage members with no network restrictions. Find plan-specific and program resourcesfor Texas STAR, STAR Kids and CHIP. For the latest information on flexibilities and extensions due to COVID-19, refer to theTexas Medicaid & Healthcare PartnershipandTexas Health and Human Services Commissionwebsites. Eligibility and benefits contact Availity or other electronic connectivity vendor or call 1-800-442-4607*, Behavioral health services mental health and chemical dependency prior authorization and referrals (includes inpatient, residential treatment center (RTC) programs, partial hospitalization and outpatient behavioral health services) call 1-800-528-7264, Behavioral health services claims status inquiries contact Availity or other electronic connectivity vendor or call 1-800-442-4607*, Behavioral health services claim adjustments call 1-800-442-4607, Eligibility and benefits contact Availity or other electronic connectivity vendor or call 1-877-299-2377*, Claim status inquiries contact Availity or other electronic connectivity vendor, Medical Management Correspondence for the Health Insurance Marketplace for Blue Advantage HMO Members, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas All Rights Reserved. The EPSarrives fasterthan the PCS andis easier to archivefor future retrieval. Secure Provider Web Portal (Electronic Verification System - EVS) Online Provider Enrollment (OPE) Online Prior Authorization (PA) system Online Claims Submission Online Provider Claim Appeals Audio Response System (ARS) (800-942-6511) Real time CAQH/CORE EDI eligibility and claim verification Provider PASRR Nevada Medicaid COVID-19 Complete the appropriate claim form - CMS-1500 forms are required for outpatient services and UB-04 forms are required for inpatient services. 1001 E. Lookout Drive. Therefore it does not support revenue codes (codes submitted on 837I files or a UB-04). Self-enroll by creating a unique user ID and password. Box 312599 Detroit, MI 48231-2599. Box 7026 Wheeling, WV 26003 Wisconsin Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield A. Submit completed forms to: Houston, TX 77027-3279 Click to skip to content. BCBS Prefix List AAA to AZZ. %PDF-1.7 Please be aware that inquiries and email boxes are not monitored 24/7. Join our extensive provider network today! Federal Employee Program claims Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan P.O. Once you get to your company's site, click on "Find Care" in the top menu to get to the provider search function. Email to submit provider inquiries and questions, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas What is the appeals process? If you are a member with a question about your coverage, contact Customer Service at the number listed on your BCBSIL member ID card. Box 85042. Enter your company name in the search box, select the group name from the drop-down, check the box at the bottom and then click the "Go" button. Medicaid Phone Number. Call 1-800-528-7264 or the phone number listed on the back of the member's/subscriber's ID card. Blue Cross Blue Shield members can search for doctors, hospitals and dentists: In the United States, Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands. Attn: Predetermination Dept. A Claims Courier Demo can be accessed at: Claims Courier is a free web-based data entry application. Richmond, VA 23242 Electronic claims filing system, Benefit disclosure information (form available online), Online: Use Availity Attachments application, Mail form to: If claims are submitted after the timely filing limit, they will be denied for payment, subject to applicable state and federal laws. Contact Availity or other electronic connectivity vendor or call 1-800-451-0287*, *interactive voice response (IVR) system to access, you must have full member's information (for example, member's ID, patients date of birth, etc. Become an Anthem provider and join the nation's second- largest health plan-owned behavioral health company, serving more than 13 . Authorizations & Referrals submissions hb```@(]K@1% V!iD3 7+S#UBCm0#LiF j9vvfL4 q* Visit our Provider Portals English Eligibility and benefits Open in Google Maps Business Hours. Although it is not preferred, providers may also submit paper claims via a CMS-1500 form (Non-Facility-Based Providers) or UB-04 form (Facility-Based Providers). Services billed beyond 95 days from the date of service are not eligible for reimbursement. For exceptions to the standard timely filing requirements for specific states and/or plans/programs, refer to your contract withMagellan and/or its affiliates; see theMagellan state-, plan-and EAP-specific handbook supplements; refer to our timely filingexception grid; or consult state and federal laws. Driving directions. Magellan has separate post office boxes for the accounts for which we provide claims payment services. Blue Medicare HMO Blue Medicare PPO Contact: 1-888-296-9790 or. Find your provider portal One option is Adobe Reader which has a built-in reader. %PDF-1.7 To verify eligibility or obtain authorization, you may contact Magellan at 1-800-424-4399. . This date is based on the date of the other carriers decision. Place of Service 23. 2 Magellan Pennsylvania provider data, July 2017-June 2018 HealthTrio Connect : This new site may be offered by a vendor or an independent third party. Copyright 2022Health Care Service Corporation. Will the timely filing standards be applied to claims I submitted prior to being a Magellan provider?A. %%EOF Under Magellan's policies and procedures, the standardtimely filing limit is 60 days. 9442 Capital of Texas Hwy N, Suite 500 Other Adobe accessibility tools and information can be downloaded at You are leaving this website/app (site). In addition, some sites may require you to agree to their terms of use and privacy policy. Phone: (800) 824-8839 Short-term claims for Blue Shield Life & Health Insurance Company Blue Shield Life & Health Insurance Company P.O. You are responsible for verifying the member's coverage at the time of service. Claims Courier is an 837P compliant application. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois P.O. Box 805107 Chicago, IL 60680-4112. EDI Support: Contact Magellans EDI Hotline for support and/or assistance:1-800-450-7281ext. EFT is a direct deposit claim payment from BCBSTX to your designated bank account. To view this file, you may need to install a PDF reader program. We are committed to reducing stigma so no one is afraid to ask for help. Mailing address 1901 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19103-1480 Email Complete the Provider Communications Email Sign-up Form to receive email updates with the latest information, including Partners in Health UpdateSM. Resubmissions must be submitted within 60 days from the date of denial. Visit our Help Center . Member Questions Blue Cross Blue Shield members, please contact your BCBS company if you have specific questions about your plan, coverage and more. (out-of-state subscribers) Box 629011 El Dorado Hills, CA 95762-9011. The Texas Department of Insurance developed the form to be used to request prior authorization for services for commercial insured members, Medicaid, Medicaid Managed Care, the Childrens Health Insurance Program (CHIP), plans covering employees of the state of Texas, school districts, and the University of Texas and Texas A&M systems. When the confirmation message displays, select, To enroll online for EFT, you must be a registered Availity, Texas Medicaid claims are normally finalized weekly on Mondays. Austin, TX 78759-7228 Appeals address: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas Attn: Complaints and Appeals Department PO Box 660717 Dallas, TX 75266-0717 Fax 1-855-235-1055 Email Availity - Submit Claims Appeal Form Online Log into the Availity Provider Portal, select Payer Spaces from the top navigation menu and select BCBSTX. 195 0 obj <>stream If you have a question about . 1800 West Loop South, Suite 600 stream BlueCare Tennessee is an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association. The Subscriber Claim Summary includes the name of the health care provider who sent us the claim, the date of service, the type of service (lab, surgery, medical care, etc.) Please note: as these requirements can be subject to change, thegrid may not contain a complete list of exceptions. Phoenix Corporate Office Street Address. <> Email to submit provider inquiries and questions, Golden Triangle (Beaumont, Orange, Port Arthur), Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas endobj Email Us. Most PDF readers are a free download. 1-800-749-0966 You should also check with your billing service, clearinghouse or software vendor to confirm ERA-compatibility and availability of auto-posting software. Email to submit provider inquiries and questions, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas <> Magellan recommends Claims Courier for low volume claim submitters who dont want to use a clearinghouse. Magellan is committed to the fight against the opioid epidemic and other substance use disorders (SUDs) affecting far too many of our family members and friends. In addition, some sites may require you to agree to their terms of use and privacy policy. Medicare Plus Blue SM PPO claims Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan P.O. Claims Address. Note: If you are a Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama customer and need to reach us by phone, please use the telephone number(s) on the back of your ID card. Mailing Address, Customer Service and Claims Contact Information Line of Business Customer Service/ Telephone Number Address Blue Shield of CA (BSC)/ MHSA 1-877-263-9952 1-800-424-6064 1-800-424-5999, option 3 Claims Mailing Address Blue Shield of California Mental Health Service Administrator (MHSA) P O Box 710400 San Diego, CA 92171 Its a simple six-step process which includes uploading and sending test files. Not a Magellan provider yet? Copyright 2022Health Care Service Corporation. Health Coaching and Interventions: 1-800-672-7897 (toll free) Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina P.O. Box 660027 PDF File is in portable document format (PDF). If you have any questions about the products or services provided by such vendors, you should contact the vendor(s) directly. . PO Box 660044 Dallas, TX 75266-0044 Fax: (325) 794-2926 Claims, medical and mental health: Send Claims Form to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas PO Box 660044 Dallas, TX 75266-0044 Learn more about submitting claims. If you are able to create an 837 file in a HIPAA compliant format, we. 4 0 obj Looking to contact Magellan Rx Management? TennCare Provider Services 1-800-852-2683. Typically, a fee is attached by the clearinghouse vendor. You may direct any questions about the form to Magellan at the phone number on the form. 2615 Calder St, Suite 700 No. 9~zfH. This new site may be offered by a vendor or an independent third party. Claims Submission. Magellan understands the importance of integrating care for members with SMI and physical comorbidities. Refer to BCBSTX Medicaid website and Contact Us. Download information about our behavioral health solutions and public behavioral health overview. Claims for services provided to HealthChoices Members who have another primary insurance carrier must be submitted to the primary insurer first in order to obtain an EOB. (See item #2 below to learn how to contact your BCBS company to address any errors.) Magellan has had sites accredited by URAC since 1992. . all_rights_reserved. What should I do? Richardson, TX 75082-4144 As a result of this determination, remittance advice, known as an Explanation of Payment (EOP) is sent to you. P O Box 660044 The Blue Cross Blue Shield Association is an association of 35 independent, locally operated Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield companies. Apply for individual or family medical, dental, and life insurance plans. Q. Winston-Salem, NC 27105. Learn how to enroll online for EFT and ERA transactions by referring to theAvaility EFT & ERA Enrollment User Guide. Box 272540, Chico CA 959272540 Phone Number: (800) 541-6652 Is Blue Shield MHSA the same as Magellan? Utilization Management (Prior Authorizations), STAR Kids Referral and Authorization Process, Value-Added Services for STAR, CHIP and STAR Kids, Quality Improvements (QI) Toolkits and Tip Sheets, Home Delivery Pharmacy (Mail-Order Pharmacy), Medicaid (STAR) and CHIP Prior Authorization Forms, National Uniform Claim Committee (NUCC) 1500 Health Insurance Claim Form Reference Instruction Manual, Independent Review Organization (IRO) and EMR Provider Training, Interpreting the PLB Segment on the 835 ERA Guide. * (Blue Essentials and Blue Advantage HMO), Prior Authorization Services For Fully Insured and ASO, Prior Authorizations Lists for Blue Cross Medicare Advantage (PPO) and Blue Cross Medicare Advantage (HMO), Prior Authorizations Lists for Designated Groups, Prior Authorization Exemptions (Texas House Bill 3459), Medicare Advantage Private Fee-for-Service (PFFS), Eligibility and Benefits Inquiry (HIPAA 270/271), Behavioral Health Care Management Program, Quality Care Partner With Your Patients, Preventive Care Guidelines/Patient Wellness Guidelines, Health Equity and Social Determinants of Health (SDoH), Prescription Drug List and Prescribing Guidelines, Prior Authorization and Step Therapy Programs, Medical Policy and Pre-certification/Pre-authorization Information for Out-of-Area Members, Consolidated Appropriations Act and Transparency in Coverage Final Rule, Email to submit provider inquiries and questions. Box 32593 Detroit, MI 48232-0593. % Through this option, providers submit an 837 file to a third party middle-man who in turn submits the files to Magellan. If your ID card is not available, you may use one of the Customer Service telephone numbers below. MagellansMedical Providers Behavioral Health Toolkitgives medical practitioners the information and screening tools needed to assist in making behavioral health referrals. Read about our progress in the 2021 GuideWell Social Impact Report. Within BCBSTX-branded Payer Spaces, select the Applications tab and click the BCBSTX Medicaid Provider Appeal Request Form. External link You are leaving this website/app (site). Blue Cross and Blue Shield of . Magellan continuously looks at our processes and procedures to improve service and increase efficiencies. 114 Mesa Park Dr. Suite #300 Dallas, TX 75266-0044 The following items when submitted with your appeal may be considered evidence that your claim was submitted in a timely manner: Q. 052 1366489049; 052; 1366489049 Franciscan PHO Northern IN Hammond; Claims Inquiry Patty Arredondo; Julie Lambertino; 7905 S Calumet Ave Munster; IN 46321 (219) 836-5800 66347 (219) 836-8025; . Our innovative approach includes: These programs not only address the symptoms of addiction; they also address the causes. Participating physicians, professional providers, ancillary and facility providers may not seek payment from the member for claims submitted after the 95-day filing deadline. Q. I did not submit a claim due to a change in coverage for the member in question. Fax: 361-852-0624 There is a simple testing process to determine if Direct Submit is right for you. 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