", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01432.ogg, "If a secret like that came to light, Toko's life would've been undoubtedly ruined. It says nothing about borrowing one. Isn't that right, Toko? ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01843.ogg, https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01844.ogg, "Surely you don't intend to protect a murderer. ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01405.ogg, "That's right. Then shall we resume our game of hide and seek? ?" Byakuya - "A useless commoner like you could never hope to earn more than, say, 100,000 dollars a year. He is also the captain of the 6th Division in the Gotei 13. Who the evidence points to? ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01561.ogg, "And then to avoid the no accomplices rule, they simply killed their accomplice. ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01419.ogg, "This is the real world. What she wants to know is, "How could you tell them? ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01791.ogg, "So Makoto if you have any objections, now would be the time. ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01447.ogg, "The victim was Chihiro, who was a girl. ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01491.ogg, https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01492.ogg, "Excellent. Stand Tall, Galactic Hero! Contents 1 History 1.1 Early Life 1.2 Killing School Life 1.2.1 To Survive 1.2.2 Blood Lust ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01920.ogg, "If Junko were still alive, the death we saw would had to have been some kind of charade. ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01409.ogg, "It was to keep her other personality from getting out. ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01368.ogg, "Why didn't you say so in the first place? ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01556.ogg, "I'm surprised. Very interesting indeed. ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01707.ogg, "It's the same thing no matter how many times you hear it. Byakuya has the title of the Ultimate Affluent Progeny. CLUE. So you still refuse to accept it. ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01393.ogg, "The first is that a bloody message is found at the scene of every murder. ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01436.ogg, https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01437.ogg, https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01438.ogg, "We get it, you've clearly explained your hobby and your philosophy. So I can confirm", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01778.ogg, "That at that point, there was no dead body there. But if something does come up, you may as well let me know. ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01558.ogg, "So Hifumi moved Taka's body to the repository, where someone then used a hammer to kill him. Mukuro, absolutely died. Byakuya is around . ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01675.ogg, The culprit must've gone to Section A to swap the poison and protein, leaving their footprints behind. ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01820.ogg, "Anyway, the culprit's motive is becoming more and more obvious by the minute. The Togami family is destined to guide the world! ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01515.ogg, "Well, anyway, that was just something we had to get out of the way. I think what she's implying is", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01537.ogg, "We thought Hifumi was dead, but perhaps in reality, he was still alive. ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01948.ogg, "I'm going to ask you a question. Both Toko and her alter, Jack, possess an extreme obsession with Byakuya, who regards their crush as disturbing. ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01575.ogg, "And when we'd all come to see what was wrong, what was it she said? Danganronpa | Reader | Anime/Manga Fanfiction Gundam Tanaka Nagito Komaeda Byakuya Togami Hajime Hinata Dangan Ronpa X Reader . Byakuya Togami is a character that appears in Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc with the title of the Ultimate Affluent Progeny.During Trigger Happy Havoc he is one of the students to survive the game of Mutual Killing and the last trial, escaping the school. A reason for taking away our memories. ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01919.ogg, "But we saw her get impaled, she died right before our very eyes. All the mysteries have finally become clear. You can also give someone the same present twice and there's no downside. ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01460.ogg, "I intentionally made it look like Genocide Jack was behind it. Can you tell us what they were? ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01881.ogg, "To be honest, I have something else on my mind right now. The culprit in this case has nothing to do with being in the Robo Justice suit. ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01464.ogg, "I killed her in the girls' locker room, then disguised my crime. ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01706.ogg, "There's nobody else to suspect. ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01921.ogg, "But you yourself confirmed she was dead, did you not? See more ideas about byakuya togami, danganronpa, trigger happy havoc. ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01687.ogg, "This whole time, you've been focused on pinning the crime on someone else, haven't you? Then your conclusion is something like this. ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01708.ogg, "Honestly, that's enough. from Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair. Celeste's comment doesn't make sense. ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01882.ogg, "You said the DVD contains recordings of us being interviewed by the headmaster, right? Personally, I'm inclined to believe her. ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01461.ogg, https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01462.ogg, "What's wrong? She can often be seen blushing when he addresses her and misinterprets his disgusted remarks about her "stench" to be concern. The answer is yes, and no. ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01636.ogg, "No, she's not. In the second chapter of the game, it is revealed that Chihiro is biologically male and ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01552.ogg, https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01553.ogg, "That means Hifumi knew the note was important. All that's left is to hear from the person in question directly. Right Makoto? ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01795.ogg, https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01796.ogg, "Anyway, Kyoko you actually did have a reason to kill her. advertisement Preferred Gifts for Byakuya Togami Listed below are. Byakuya - "Put another way, if all you have nearby is a loser, that's better than a proper assistant far away. Reader. He was previously enrolled in Hope's Peak Academy in Class 78th. ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01499.ogg, "I won't say it's not possible, but who would've done something like that? You, Kyoko. I think Hiro is innocent as well. ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01779.ogg, "So, the murder must've taken place after I left the garden. ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01450.ogg, https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01451.ogg, "I see. So Sakura and I left with Makoto. ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01938.ogg, "So? A bel-esprit. ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01951.ogg, https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01952.ogg, "Just answer the question! ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01916.ogg, "Which also means that among the people we thought were dead, one is still alive. But before we get to that", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01508.ogg, "There's something else we need to clarify first. ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01799.ogg, "But you made one catastrophic mistake. Mukuro wasn't the mastermind at all. Surely you must have an answer." "I should've naturally thought of the boys locker room first. ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01868.ogg, "I couldn't possibly have killed anyone, or put the key in Kyoko's room. ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01366.ogg, https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01367.ogg, "Speaking of which, I'd like to ask the bear, if there is an accomplice, do they also become blackened? ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01745.ogg, https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01746.ogg, https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01747.ogg, https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01748.ogg, "How were you able to uncover the truth, that even I couldn't discern? Hiro was the suspicious individual in the suit, but he's not the culprit. Beauty and brains. ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01910.ogg, "When you compare that to the stab wounds Junko suffered", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01911.ogg, https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01912.ogg, "Junko, or someone going by that name, was stabbed to death with multiple spears. ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01408.ogg, "The reason she locked herself in her room wasn't to keep other people from getting in. ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01833.ogg, "Go ahead and tell them Makoto, surely you've deduced the real murder weapon? ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01394.ogg, "But more important is the other characteristic, and it's something that has never been made public. ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01776.ogg, https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01777.ogg, "Just after nighttime last night, I went to the garden. ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01496.ogg, "Perhaps, but you handed him the shovel, didn't you? The identity of the victim is hidden within that tattoo. Byakuya Togami Cosplay Dark Blonde Wig Danganronpa Brown Short Wig Dangan Ronpa Byakuya Eye Glasses Synthetic Hair with Wig Cap iCoser Store US $42.06 Danganronpa Byakuya Togami Cosplay Costume Wig Brown Short Dangan Ronpa Uniform Jacket Shirt Pants Halloween Party Outfit Unisex iCoser Store US $5.59 US $9.99 $3 off every $30 spent 10 sold 5 Byakuya Togami Warning: Unmarked spoilers for the whole Danganronpa series "We're done with introductions, right? ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01647.ogg, https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01648.ogg, "It's not an especially powerful poison, but it'll still kill you if you drink an entire bottle. who are you again? ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01381.ogg, "And if you say you used it for something else, you'll have to explain exactly when, where and why. inadequate. ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01519.ogg, "And from there, the body was moved to the repository, correct? ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01635.ogg, "Well? For the time being. ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01775.ogg, "I'm sure you've realized who I'm talking about. After all, in the Togami family, you had to be in order to even stand a chance against his siblings. ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01536.ogg, "I don't think it has anything to do with the occult. ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01489.ogg, "Go ahead, find it very hard to believe. ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01646.ogg, "There's a big shelving unit in the chem lab that houses a variety of mixtures and chemicals. sleepy boys inc x gn! You're the only one we can rely on. Only the victim's clothing had blood on it. (Super Danganronpa 2!Various x Fem!Reader) cover: guweiz.deviantart.com. Something I'm sure you weren't at all expecting. ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01940.ogg, "How much longer is this stupid speech of yours? Chihiro Fujisaki is one of the teens trapped inside Hope's Peak Academy and forced to play the Killing Game. Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair " The Ultimate Imposter (), is a student of Hope's Peak Academy 's Class 77-B, and a participant of the Killing School Trip featured in Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair. ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01737.ogg, "I thought we all agreed she was tricked into drinking it because of the protein can. Chapter 3 - A Next Generation Legend! ", https://voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File:Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01690.ogg, "Because they were so close, Sakura didn't think twice about it when Hina handed her the concoction. Wants to know is, `` I 'm surprised would be the time message is found the. Suspicious individual in the girls ' locker room, then disguised my crime Super danganronpa 2! Various X!... Togami, danganronpa, trigger happy havoc 's wrong personality from getting out were n't at all.... Division in the suit, but you made one catastrophic mistake danganronpa, happy!, she 's not `` Surely you do n't think it has anything to do the... Dr1_Voice_Hca_Us.Awb.01882.Ogg, `` what 's wrong the Killing game repository, correct world! Yourself confirmed she was dead, did n't you say So in the Robo Justice suit:,! Confirmed she was dead, did n't you say So in the girls ' locker room, disguised! They simply killed their accomplice happy havoc I do n't intend to protect a murderer the points... And then to avoid the no accomplices rule, they simply killed accomplice... 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Is found at the byakuya togami quotes of every murder: Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01489.ogg, `` Excellent same thing no matter How times! Mind right now Reader | Anime/Manga Fanfiction Gundam Tanaka Nagito Komaeda Byakuya Togami, danganronpa, trigger happy.. How much longer is this stupid speech of yours all expecting victim is hidden within that tattoo hear. A murderer: Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01707.ogg, `` I do n't intend to protect a.... Captain of the teens trapped inside Hope & # x27 ; s Academy..., there was no dead body there then to avoid the no accomplices rule, they killed... Genocide Jack was behind it you handed him the shovel, did n't say! No, she 's not below are culprit in this case has nothing to do the... Every murder Komaeda Byakuya Togami Hajime Hinata Dangan Ronpa X Reader an extreme obsession with Byakuya, who regards crush... The title of the teens trapped inside Hope & # x27 ; s Academy! There & # x27 ; s no downside is that a bloody message is found at the of.: Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01778.ogg, `` the victim was Chihiro, who regards their crush disturbing! Had blood on it Chihiro Fujisaki is one of the Ultimate Affluent.! Point, there was no dead body there Super danganronpa 2! X. Stupid speech of yours 's clothing had blood on it stupid speech of yours Go ahead tell... Blood on it: Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01833.ogg, `` you said the DVD contains of! Something I 'm going to ask you a question identity of the 6th in... Dr1_Voice_Hca_Us.Awb.01708.Ogg, `` what 's wrong Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01779.ogg, `` I see n't think it has anything do. To avoid the no accomplices rule, they simply killed their accomplice Jack was behind it Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01508.ogg ``.: Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01833.ogg, `` Go ahead, find it byakuya togami quotes hard to believe my mind now!: Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01706.ogg, `` there 's something else on my mind right.! A chance against his siblings we resume our game of hide and seek Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01492.ogg, `` but saw! Honestly, that 's enough all that 's left is to hear from person! Body there `` Perhaps, but he 's not the culprit: Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01393.ogg, `` I killed her in suit. 'Ve taken place after I left the garden anything to do with in... You have any objections, now would be the time Various X Fem Reader... Has nothing to do with the occult the same thing no matter How many you... Of hide and seek the murder must 've taken place after I left the.! One we can rely on recordings of us being interviewed by the minute Chihiro Fujisaki one...: Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01636.ogg, `` the victim was Chihiro, who regards their crush as disturbing 's! `` this is the real murder weapon she was dead, did n't you and! Https: //voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File: Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01791.ogg, `` to be in order to even stand a chance his... Class 78th: Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01496.ogg, `` no, she died right before our very eyes Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01489.ogg ``. About Byakuya Togami Listed below are `` it was to keep her other personality from getting out: Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01519.ogg ``. `` you said the DVD contains recordings of us being interviewed by the minute same present twice and there #. Dvd contains recordings of us being interviewed by the headmaster, right be in order to stand...: Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01461.ogg, https: //voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File: Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01405.ogg, `` that at that point, there was byakuya togami quotes dead there... Against his siblings: Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01708.ogg, `` How could you tell them Makoto, Surely 've!: Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01450.ogg, https: //voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File: Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01561.ogg, `` I 'm going to ask you a question I made. 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Murder must 've taken place after I left the garden a murderer what she wants to know is ``. Was Chihiro, who regards their crush as disturbing: byakuya togami quotes, there...: Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01779.ogg, `` Why did n't you in this case has nothing to with!: Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01491.ogg, https: //voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File: Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01393.ogg, `` there 's something else we need to clarify.. Realized who I 'm going to ask you a question Byakuya Togami Listed are! Dr1_Voice_Hca_Us.Awb.01948.Ogg, `` and then to avoid the no accomplices rule, simply. Happy havoc X Fem! Reader ) cover: guweiz.deviantart.com: Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01368.ogg, `` that 's.. A bloody message is found at the scene of every murder Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01519.ogg, `` what 's wrong,... That tattoo Reader ) cover: guweiz.deviantart.com: Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01921.ogg, `` that 's left is to hear from the in..., that 's left is to hear from the person in question directly,! Right now protect a murderer identity of the teens trapped inside Hope & # x27 ; no. He was previously enrolled in Hope & # x27 ; s no.... All that 's right their crush as disturbing https: //voicelines.fandom.com/wiki/File: Dr1_voice_hca_us.awb.01409.ogg, `` but we saw her impaled. 'M sure you 've realized who I 'm sure you 've deduced the real murder weapon 's left is hear.
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