If you arent connected to Weather Underground, you certainly should look to do so. So, are you a weather enthusiast? Forum contains no unread posts I have a station and I use a PWS connected to the computer via usb by software called WheaterSmart v1.8. The horizon should be clearly defined and the brightest stars should be visible under good atmospheric conditions (i.e. We recognize our responsibility to use data and technology for good. If you are new to WunderGround or in offline status, it will take around 1-2 days to get added to the network. You will receive mail with link to set new password. If you arent connected to Weather Underground, you certainly should look to do so. When the weather station is linked to the network, there are a few reasons why it is not updating in the map or the app. While the update says it's for "AcuRite Weather Stations", I have a different brand/model called an "Aercus WeatherSleuth" which wasn't reporting. The change in length of daylight between today and tomorrow is also listed when available. This could be a bit shot and causes the that the weather service is offline. - ambient weather. Let us show you how easy the process is. If you put Fine Offset brand on the first option of Station Settings, saves the configuration and restart, you can immediately work with your station. Winds SSW at 10 to 20 mph. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. https://support.weather.com/s/communityalert/a682K000000PXCwQAO/acurite-weather-stations-not-uploading?language=en_US, https://www.aercusinstruments.com/downloads/. That way, our support staff can get to work troubleshooting or repairing. I also initially had trouble clicking on the map to tell the system which station to use. Are you having fun using your home weather station? Since our stations are so dense and precise, forecasters from the National Weather Service (NWS) and some of your favorite news channels rely on it for observing real-time weather conditions and forecasting conditions that could impact peoples lives. It is equals model https://www.ebay.com/itm/MISOL-professional-weather-station-wind-speed-wind-direction-rain-meter/331866087766?hash=item4d44c2a156:g:GVIAAOSwMHdXR~3A, but is other brand with equals components, This software USB reads current weather station dataAnd put on the WU api, The only server option that had the same plugin was the WU. It can offer accurate and up-to-date local weather information and gives weather forecasts for different regions and locations as well. To optimize functionality, you should look to connect your weather station to Weather Underground. The thing is: there are a lot of things that can happen after our field techs leave that can cause a station to go offline. I would like to thank you from the heart, for your help. https://redmeteo.cl - an Open Chilean hobbyist weather network. I have been using WU through the years without issues. 12410 Milestone Center Dr., Suite 300 The time period when the sun is no more than 6 degrees below the horizon at either sunrise or sunset. When a station is down or goes offline, that means its no longer sending data to our hyperlocal weather network. You must be logged in to reply to this topic. If you like Weather Station, please consider to make a review to help make it known. Have been focusing on other aspects of my Home control system. Winds SSE at 5 to 10 mph. Enter the Weathercloud ID and the Key provided for your device. You can easily upgrade an older home weather station to ensure WiFi connectivity and start streaming your weather data to the world. My pws shows online when I look at my devices but the page itself says offline and the top widgets are blank, while the graphs/tables down below are up to date and accurate. Weather Underground is a commercial weather service providing real-time weather information via the Internet. If your weather station is offline, you can contact our support staff today and they will help you get it back up and running. Does anyone have any suggestions for me which service to use moving forward. Mark all read, Topic Icons: I am out of ideas and can't find any info online with similar problems. This includes everything from technical issues to wildlife messing with the equipment itself. I thought the checking time is 1 sec. Required fields are marked *. While your weather station might not always be on the top of your priority list (trust us, we get it! In the beginning of morning astronomical twilight and at the end of astronomical twilight in the evening, sky illumination is very faint, and might be undetectable. Weather Underground provides local & long-range weather forecasts, weather reports, maps & tropical weather conditions for locations worldwide One still should be able to carry on ordinary outdoor activities. We use cookies on this website to improve your shopping experience. A couple of days ago I hade a power outage (because they dug off the power cable during a road construction 400 m away) for a couple of hours. However, blocking some types of cookies may impact your experience of the site. Instructions are less than great ): Hi! This site uses cookies to offer you a better browsing experience, analyze traffic and serve embedded content. weather underground offline status I recently installed an Ambient Weather WS-2000 and registered with weatherunderground. http://www.misolie.net/misol-professional-weather-station-wind-speed-wind-direction-rain-meter-pressure-temperature-humidity-uv-p-505.html?zenid=u38k8t4ln73t9ripqomqdch1u7. When the API for the PWS uploaders is ready, we will provide a transition period to switch from the WU API to the new API. The Weather Underground Station Key is case sensitive and does not allow special characters. After reading about the WU changes and problems, I found there was a firmware update from Aercus. Private Today's temperature is forecast to be COOLER than yesterday. Email us at support@earthnetworks.com or call the support team at 1-800-624-4205 to get started! Also, it allows you to look at current and historical weather information for any area on the globe. Is it safe to allow our crews to perform rescues? But you mentioned that you have a Fine Offset weather station. Furthermore, the platform is committed to providing a fun-filled and user-friendly experience. (@zainalee) New Member. I tried World Weather Online but had issues. Open a web browser and go to the configuration page indicated by the manufacturer to access Weather Setup. For instance, imagine the benefits of highly accurate, local weather data during cyclones, wildfires, floods, and other emergencies. It detects a Quality Control issue with your weather-specific data. Thanks! You can also send local weather updates through your weather station to the Weather Underground database. Get Updated with WU while offline - Weather Underground end of service - Community Support. They dont bite! Not only just for yourself, but for every weather enthusiast in the world. In times like these, its important that we stick together and help each other out. The wifi connection is good but maybe the amount of time when checking for an update for the weather, the time is not enough. What is it? Current Conditions -- 4039. Click on the different category headings to find out more and change your settings. Recent Posts Unread Posts Tags, Forum Icons: Only now discovering it was all WU's fault. Forum contains no unread posts We really recommend you reach out to our support staff, though. If AmbientWeather.net is working fine, but Wunderground.com is not updating, this is usually a typo. I don't know where the problem . It's been almost a week and my WU status is still offline. my stations is usb. Where can I find documentation on this to, maybe, help you to find a solution?Could you tell me too, what's your station brand / model? Saint Simons Island, GA Weather Conditions. WeatherStationary.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Announcing OpenSprinkler Firmware 2.2.0(1), Learning Electronics I/O expander options, This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated. Weather Underground is a dedicated weather service. Because I respect your privacy, you can choose not to allow some types of cookies. This has to be the most obvious reason behind checking on your weather station. https://www.wunderground.com/personal-weather-station/mypws, Subscribe to the Ambient Weather Newsletter. So, how long will it take for a home weather station to show on Weather Underground? hbspt.cta.load(3854287, 'dd109499-ae44-41eb-8c66-a79ff73c5d7b', {}); No matter when or how you obtained your professional-grade weather station from Earth Networks, youre in possession of one incredible piece of hardware. If youre not loving your station, well thats just another reason to reach out to our support staff. Ensuring your weather station is online is a simple task that has a huge national impact. But it has no problems reporting to: WeatherCloud Met-office WOW EcoWitt.net If you certainly know that the station uses Serial communication, you can put the serial port on Station Settings > Serial options. Sorry, we have no insight to what the error actually is and how the algorithm works. Repeated emails to support remain unanswered. Have been focusing on other aspects of my Home control system. You can pull from ambient weather directly now if that is the system you are using. Weather Underground provides local & long-range weather forecasts, weather reports, maps & tropical weather conditions for locations worldwide. It usually comes back online after about 8-12 hours of being offline, but I have no idea why. When you load the API key and test it does the system report a green indicator? Similarly to our second point, ensuring your station is plugged in and hooked up helps these emergency managers make better weather-related decisions. In the beginning I thought is was every 2 days. If one station out of the 17,500+ is offline, it normally isnt a big dealright? Note this website honors Do Not Track policy. But you mentioned that you have a Fine Offset weather station. That would be the best way to thank me WeatherSmart is software come with my PWS, I upload image of software. Does anyone have any suggestions for me which service to use moving forward. If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ. Whether you just have a weather station or have an entire suite of Earth Networks monitoring and alerting products, having your weather station online is key for getting the most value out of your weather solution. Sorry, we have no insight to what the error actually is and how the algorithm works. Make sure the Upload Wundeground.com checkbox is checked. It can be an issue with the Wunderground.com website. Once you link your weather station to the network of Weather Underground, you connect with like-minded enthusiasts. Replied I only now realize that this service will end, actually pretty sad about it but it is what it is. Private What I figured out is that the Weather Service is offline every few hours. Closed. Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total). Be patient and report any issue on the official website. The brand is http://www.foshk.com fine offset , but not more in site this model. If you dont need convincing, click here to learn how to check if your station is online now. Hmm I am almost a week in. In the simplest of terms, that means your organization isnt receiving the awesome, commercial grade weather data youre used to. This may take a bit of time. Not Replied My station is an Acurite 5 in 1 wifi and it went offline at about the same time frame. We know, we know we promised you we wouldnt do that, but we couldnt resist. Not Replied Are you having fun using your home, Weather data obtained from an individual, private weather stations for providing information on local climate, temperature, precipitation, humidity, and wind data, Atmospheric conditions including satellite images, past or future radar reports, wind stream, and weather fronts, Air quality with readings on the scale between PM 2.5 & PM 10, Wildfire activities including smoke readings and fire perimeters, So, are you a weather enthusiast? Basic Internet fed weather display with forecast. Sticky Confirm your profile on Weather Underground for your home weather station has the right station ID and password. I entered my WU ID directly to my console. PWS owners who are uploading their data will have uninterrupted access to their data, and a limited range of additional items. Does anybody have an answer to this strange behavior? The time of Civil Sunset minus the time of Civil Sunrise. WU will also send you an email when it starts reporting again. Sharing weather data will improve weather forecasting across the globe. Allow at least 10 minutes for the units to pair. Cookies that are necessary for the site to function properly. We will review the data in question. Not sure. The decisions that emergency managers make are life and death. https://apicommunity.wunderground.conderground-api. It is still not stable. Click accept to give your consent to accept cookies and go directly to the site or click on more information to see detailed descriptions of the types of cookies we store. In todays day and age, our emergency management heroes need our help more than ever. Select the option you are having issues with, and help provide feedback to the service. I purchased an atlas 7-1 weather station and was wondering if this will work with my 51 monitors I have a 5-1 station and 3 monitors with settings 123 e, Your email address will not be published. To ensure your weather station data shows on Weather Underground, follow these easy steps: This might occur if your Wunderground Station key, password, or ID is entered incorrectly. The password for your weather station is no longer the same as the password for your wunderground.com account. I entered my WU ID directly to my console. I got it hooked up to the display unit and have no issues at all with connectivity there. Cant recall exactly how long it took to connect with WU but it was hours not days. All these people continuously share real-time weather-specific data from business and home-based weather stations. Forum contains unread posts access_time 9:28 AM EST on January 18, 2023 (GMT -5) | Updated 3 seconds ago. This site uses cookies to offer you a better browsing experience, analyze traffic and serve embedded content. Sticky OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Weather Underground is offline every 2 days. Now that you understand how important keeping your weather station online is, its time to check your status! I only now realize that this service will end, actually pretty sad about it but it is what it is. Your email address will not be published. In the meantime, check out these three troubleshooting tips: Did you make it this far in the post? Thats the biggest reason you should make sure its online! EDIT: I just put in a ticket to Weather Underground Support. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Then I come back here to post the result. Reporting them as "offline", The only reference I could find from WU is https://support.weather.com/s/communityalert/a682K000000PXCwQAO/acurite-weather-stations-not-uploading?language=en_US. Check your spambox. Never let the weather catch you unaware again! Please enter your email address. Get access to WunderMap use the interactive platform on your tablet or PC, or, you can download the app. There are hundreds of emergency managers around the country that rely on our weather network to protect their communities and plan around everything from thunderstorms to hurricanes. Pierre Lannoy, 4 years ago. Verify that your weather station has been receiving weather readings for around 2 hours. Copyright TWC Product and Technology LLC 2014, 2023. If you prefer to talk on the phone, you can also give us a call at 1-800-624-4205. You are about to report this weather station for bad data. I've also tried it on a different router/network too with the same issue: Weather Underground just keeps showing my station offline! Do you want to add relevant weather information to Wunderground from your area? Since my station is remote, this week I will try with the software that you indicated to me. It allows you to access real-time information related to current weather conditions all over the globe. But obviously since my station worked flawlessly for a year, WU did a backend update that broke those stations. Now you know your station is down. Weather Station is a free WordPress plugin that collects meteorological data from public or personal weather stations and displays it in many elegant ways. Forum contains unread posts A waste of our time! My Station Is Updating On Weather Underground But It Is Not Visible From The App, Or On The Map Yet. Thank you for reporting this station. Considerable cloudiness. Better yet, if you know your stations unique 5-letter ID, you can check your station status by adding it to the end of the URL below (after the = sign). It doesnt take a meteorologist to see the problem with that! The wifi connection is good but maybe the amount of time when checking for an update for the weather, the time is not enough. It enables you access to abundant weather data, in fact, any that you need instantly. If your station is offline, you can't use its real-time data to complete important weather-related tasks, like: Prepare for severe weather Protect people and property Automate and streamline your operations. Same here, Ambient 5000 connected for over a year suddenly disconnected from Weather underground for no apparent reason on our end. Ive confirmed my WU ID that its correct but am curious how long it takes WU to change my stations status. Cookies that are necessary for the site to function properly. But in all seriousness: you really should know if your station is online. Click here to learn about cookie settings. I doesn't know WeatherSmart. . When I delete the API key, save settings and paste the key and save the settings the service is available again. There may be issues with the website but their technical support team is very efficient and most glitches are fixed very quickly. Davis Weatherlink Live or Console and WifiLogger? You deserve the real-time weather data it should provide. If your post is deemed to be spam-free and relevant to the community, it will be approved and you'll be able to post freely here. You can report the issue here. If Wunderground.com detects a Quality Control issue in your data (weather station went offline for a period of time, or temperature is out of range when compared to other weather stations in your area). Luckily only 2 smart plugs were effected, my other 5 smart plugs are out of range and are all working nicely with the PWS (they are also on a different router, though still on the same network). Information includes hyper-local weather forecasts, weekly weather predictions for your area or any specified region. It likely broke any other station using whatever protocol that was changed or deprecated. Hot They will be able to access up to 1000 calls per day and 30 calls/minute. Cookies that are needed to see embedded content (like videos) on the site. Good idea to check my spam folder, but sadly I haven't received any emails from WU. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. First and foremost, having an online weather station benefits you and your organization. Latest Post: Possible Intergration Our newest member: Portal Veneza The time of Actual Sunset minus the time of Actual Sunrise. If other weather station owners are having problem with Weather Underground, I suggest searching for a new firmware for your model before climbing up poles to replace batteries! 1. This could be a bit shot and causes the that the weather service is offline. The ultimate objective of Weather Underground is to ensure highly accurate weather reports for individuals irrespective of their location. You have read and agreed to the Privacy & Cookie Policies of this site. Cookies that are needed to see embedded content (like videos) on the site. Since then my PWS has shown as "offline" on Wunderground. Powered by Astra T. 2021 Weather Stationary. Unapproved Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. How To Set up Weather Underground Personal Weather Stations in taskTracker If your station is offline, you cant use its real-time data to complete important weather-related tasks, like: First and foremost, having an online weather station benefits you and your organization. suggesting they've fobbed it off as a firmware issue now, despite everything working fine for years. If they do complain that your station is down, theyre really doing you a favor! Looks like you should be okay to keep using WU if you're using your own PWS, or possibly even low-use of their API (though no detailed info yet): Switched to NOAA right now. Find out exactly what is happening in your area or any region you are going to. Share your setup, your lessons learned, and your insights into your own micro-climate. Not as good as WU but enough to get by. Weather Underground is a dedicated weather service. Took less than two hours to connect initially. My station on PC says not online but I am connected to the internet with very good signal. This post is marked as unsolved The horizon is well defined and the outline of objects might be visible without artificial light. The brand features an expert team of passionate developers, plus a generous community of weather enthusiasts. Maybe could you try to use another software (like WeeWX) to generate such files? We could all use a laugh in these crazy times. 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