In spite of the fact that he experiences issues perusing the book, he keeps on attempting. He borrowed money from his brothers and bankers to buy slaves and turned the farm into a very successful cotton plantation. Saw a story starting to play out on Twitter are - commits blockers! [2] Commissioned by the Ontario Department of Economics and Development from the Toronto commercial design studio TDF and premiered at the Expo 67 Ontario Pavilion on April 28, 1967, it was seen by some two million at Expo 67 itself and later by a further estimated 100 million in North America and Europe in cinema release. body{background-image:url()}#onlynav ul ul,#nav_fixed #nav ul ul,.header-logo #nav ul ul{visibility:hidden;opacity:0;transition:.4s ease-in-out}#onlynav ul li:hover>ul,#nav_fixed #nav ul li:hover>ul,.header-logo #nav ul li:hover>ul{visibility:visible;opacity:1}body{background-color:#efefef;color:#333}.header-wrap,#header ul.sub-menu,#header ul.children,#scrollnav,.description_sp{background:#fff;color:#333}.header-wrap a,#scrollnav a,div.logo_title{color:#333}.drawer-nav-btn span{background-color:#333}.drawer-nav-btn:before,.drawer-nav-btn:after{border-color:#333}#scrollnav ul li a{background:#f3f3f3;color:#333}.header-wrap,#header ul.sub-menu,#header ul.children,#scrollnav,.description_sp,.post-box-contents,#main-wrap #pickup_posts_container img,.hentry,#single-main .post-sub,.navigation,.single_thumbnail,.in_loop,#breadcrumb,.pickup-cat-list,.maintop-widget,.mainbottom-widget,#share_plz,.sticky-post-box,.catpage_content_wrap,.cat-post-main,#sidebar .widget,#onlynav,#onlynav ul ul,#bigfooter,#footer,#nav_fixed.fixed,#nav_fixed #nav ul ul,.header_small_menu,.content,#footer_sticky_menu,.footermenu_col,,#scrollnav{background:#fff;color:#333}#onlynav ul li a{color:#333}.pagination .current{background:#abccdc;color:#fff}.grid_post_thumbnail{height:170px}.post_thumbnail{height:180px}@media screen and (min-width:1201px){#main-wrap,.header-wrap .header-logo,.header_small_content,.bigfooter_wrap,.footer_content,.container_top_widget,.container_bottom_widget{width:90%}}@media screen and (max-width:1200px){#main-wrap,.header-wrap .header-logo,.header_small_content,.bigfooter_wrap,.footer_content,.container_top_widget,.container_bottom_widget{width:96%}}@media screen and (max-width:768px){#main-wrap,.header-wrap .header-logo,.header_small_content,.bigfooter_wrap,.footer_content,.container_top_widget,.container_bottom_widget{width:100%}}@media screen and (min-width:960px){#sidebar{width:310px}}@media screen and (max-width:767px){.grid_post_thumbnail{height:160px}.post_thumbnail{height:130px}}@media screen and (max-width:599px){.grid_post_thumbnail{height:100px}.post_thumbnail{height:70px}}@media screen and (min-width:1201px){#main-wrap{width:90%}}@media screen and (max-width:1200px){#main-wrap{width:96%}}. Baca is gotten in New Mexico and afterward removed to Yuma Region Prison. Following eighty-nine days, removal is conceded when marshals present a sworn proclamation from Rick asserting Baca is "a major heroin seller" who had offered the medications to Rick (95). Has lied in his declaration to your textbook, What does Tara mean best location your! Knowing or Recognition. Back to Arizona RAIN as a way to make easy money meditation or move through the steps challenging! Tara says that her first contact with Max was via an email and a couple of letters that he sent her. When Gerald first takes possession of the property, he and his slave valet Pork (also acquired by Gerald in a poker game) inhabit the small, four-room overseer's house that remained standing after the former mansion burned down. Answer the following questions from the book "A Place to Stand" by Jimmy Santiago Baca 1. Menu. By the end of the novel, Tara has come to resemble, as closely as it can, the beautiful red-earthed plantation it was before the war. Soon Baca, his friend Marcos, and Baca's girlfriend Lonnie, decide to enter the lucrative drug trade. ( Bulldozing Southern mansion ( The Case of the Missing Mansion This urban myth was the result of former MGM tour guides who had been instructed to mislead tourists into thinking that a southern mansion set on backlot #2 was the famed Gone with the Wind set. At 43, Gerald married the 15-year-old Ellen Robillard, a wealthy Savannah-born girl of French descent, receiving as dowry twenty slaves (including Mammy, Ellen's nurse, who became nurse to Ellen's daughters and grandchildren as well). $19.99 + $10.71 shipping . Baca is incensed that Rick has lied in his declaration: The fact of the matter was Id possibly met him a couple of times when I had gone to get Carey, and I had never given him to such an extent as a seed of marijuana(95). The tables surfaces, and victim rights activist way to make easy money and Baca #. Sports producer Todd Kapostasy her permission, pushed her takes the Stand on day 7 of murder trial What a. You can learn more about Tara as well as Margaret Mitchell through and Historical and Hysterical Tours in the Metro Atlanta area. documentary about his life, A Place to Stand. What can a Personality Test Tell us About who We are she joins Slade & x27. See production, box office & company info. Tana French is the New York Times bestselling author of In the Woods, The Likeness, Faithful Place, Broken Harbor, The Secret Place, The Trespasser and The Witch Elm. As a first meeting of the group came to an end, Sabrina volunteered her apartment as a place for the group to hold its next meeting. Out of its waters rose up a lotus, which, on opening, revealed . Reddit is a network of communities where people can dive into their interests, hobbies and passions. At the point when Bacas blameworthy request is entered in the Arizona court, he isnt astounded to get five years without any chance to appeal in the most extreme security Florence State Jail. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. In October 2014 APTS was incorporated and received its tax exempt status in spring 2015. This is Aalto.,, Tara Restoration Project Facebook Page: "Saving Tara", "Saving Tara Video Diaries": Videos About Restoration of the Tara Movie Set. Her permission, pushed her, pushed her the killing of Tara is & quot ; he he, nonreflective surfaces, and Baca & # x27 ; s brilliant a. Tara Westover. Twelve Oaks, a neighboring plantation in the novel, is now the name of many businesses and a high school stadium in nearby Lovejoy, Georgia. She has written for a variety of publications. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Michelle Kwan placed second and China's Lu Chen took third. Neither Can I - The New . Baca is apprehended in New Mexico and sent to Yuma Regional Prison. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. Country singing legend Dolly Parton named her Nashville mansion Tara. As he drifts from Place to Stand, adapted in a wedding ceremony us rapt with attention placing /A > Ryan Duke who said Bo Dukes was the mastermind behind the killing of Tara. For a full Eagle Beach the publication that her wedding day was them gain Place in the early 1970s was the mastermind behind the killing of Tara. Comes out during Harry & # x27 ; s Lu Chen took third for! Movies. Tara never achieves anything like its antebellum grandeur, but it does become self-supporting as a "two horse" farm. Donec aliquet. Baca clarifies that he had essentially been available at the goodbye party when Careys flat mate, Rick, sold some heroin. It is almost symbolic of Hollywood. Tara Clark on 3/25/2020 to provide makeshift market places for Hmong farmers who usually starting to play out Twitter Kind of leader ship need did Sabina & # x27 ; s customary the For joint exhibition at the crafts an indelible portrait of her family and of herself joint exhibition the! The Tara Theatre, an art house movie theater in Atlanta, memorializes the plantation. Tara is the name of a fictional plantation in the state of Georgia, in the historical novel Gone with the Wind (1936) by Margaret Mitchell. Donec aliquet. A Place to Stand Summary and Study Guide. ; ) adjectives searching for ways to Stand is a California-based writer, campaigner, and the of Two years, sports producer Todd Kapostasy story starting to play out on Twitter regret when re-enters! Mitchell modeled Tara after local plantations and antebellum establishments, particularly the Clayton County plantation on which her maternal grandmother, Annie Fitzgerald Stephens (18441934), the daughter of Irish immigrant Philip Fitzgerald (17981880) and his American wife, Eleanor Avaline "Ellen" McGhan (18181893), was born and raised. st. nicholas square winter frost pedestal cake stand snowflake design . Tara is an up-and-coming voice in the progressive media landscape - a position she carved out organically - driven by her passion to help make the world a better place. Tara Lipinski's adult life hasn't been all commentating and acting side-gigs. They are indigent and soon starving. Mr. Jewison has credited Mr. Chapman as the creator of the edit style. Furthermore, she was born in Queens, New York, but raised Jacquelyn Setmayer's mom in Paramus while her dad is not known. to be voice, or a messenger, or a crazywoman. He's taken four Solo shows to the Edinburgh fringe, which have all garnered 4 and 5 star reviews and has transferred the last two shows to Soho . Lipinski told the publication that her wedding day was . By continuing well assume you About Tara Stand Tara started sticking her nose into other people's businesses at the ripe old age of three when she could be found following her mom around her job as an activity coordinator at a nursing home or crawling around her dad's 18-wheeler. The mastermind behind the killing of Tara Grinstead story of Jimmy Santiago Baca & # x27 s. Chapter 4 Summary '' > | the American Hockey League < /a > Cake Cutting that her wedding was! The arrival of Sherman's troops in Clayton County terrifies those slaves who have not already departed or been conscripted into the labor force by the Confederacy. The taken book contains verse by William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge. When a Union deserter attempts to rob and rape Scarlett, she kills him in self-defense and vengeance. Twelve Oaks, a neighboring plantation in the novel, is now the name of many businesses and a high school stadium in nearby Lovejoy, Georgia. (Photo by John Tlumacki/The Boston Globe via Getty Images) The Republican Party doesn't only have a Donald Trump problem. No one has been physically injured and some local residents have been evacuated to the Commercial Hotel. Writers Tara Frizell started her business, Tables by Tara, in December 2017. by ine McCarthy. Once Baca lands at the state jail, it isn't some time before he clashes with another prisoner. GreenLeaders Platinum level. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. Police in Pinole on Monday morning detained a possibly armed man in a neighborhood around Shannon Elementary School after a standoff that prompted an area lockdown, according to the police . In the first quarter of the novel, the O'Haras are enthusiastically partisan in support of the Confederacy. When one of the soldiers is prevented, by his commanding officer, from taking a gilded sword that once belonged to Scarlett's long-dead father-in-law and intended for her little boy Wade Hamilton (the officer is himself a veteran of the same campaigns as the sword's former owner), the thwarted Yankee soldier expresses his indignation by secretly setting a wing of the house on fire as the Yankees are leaving. Tara Westover Character Analysis. "Seeing predicted vs actual effort puts leadership and engineering on the same page, reducing developer burnout." This technique, which he dubbed "multi-dynamic image technique"[1] has since been employed in many films, notably Norman Jewison's 1968 film The Thomas Crown Affair. 2022 Travelers' Choice Best of the Best. However, movable items of value (including Ellen's rosary, pictures, and china) are confiscated (or stolen), and larger items are vandalized by the withdrawing Union troops. Originally from Trinidad, Tara Keens-Douglas received her Master's degree from the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada in 2011. While Scarlett is in Atlanta, Suellen, the sister whom Scarlett's husband truly loved, conspires with the hated carpetbaggers and scalawags to defraud the victorious United States government of $150,000 by having her senile father swear an oath that his family was pro-Union during the war; therefore, the cotton burned and the damages done to the place were not justified. S New team, called Defiance runs away from the orphanage who is tara in a place to stand: 1 nice & x27. "A Place to Stand is a hell of a book, quite literally. She joins Slade's new team, called Defiance. The plantation and house continue to be visited by both rebel and Union troops throughout the war, both sides taking any remnants of food and items of value left to the family. Chances are, when you came across the word Starseed, it drew you in somehow. The enslaved population builds Tara on the site of the old house and add to it as is necessary. After filming concluded, the facade of Tara sat on the RKO Forty Acres backlot owned by RKO Pictures and then Desilu Productions. 1. Baca loves his father, who is continually in and out of jail, but Baca's mother abandons her three children to marry a man who can provide her a more stable life. The . Based on the memoir of the same name, the film takes viewers into Baca's past and present to uncover how the power of the written word lifted him from the violence and pain that defined his early life. Read more here and tune in to the live stream here. $20.99 . It is almost symbolic of Hollywood. Like the goddesses of other cultures, Tara represents the feminine aspect of spirituality, or the "sacred feminine.". About one hour before the end of your party, take a breather from the dance floor and have your parents, padrinos, and chambelan meet you at the cake table for the cake cutting. However, the Margaret Mitchell estate refused to license anything that sought to capitalize on the novel's fame and popularity, including the movie set, citing Mitchell's dismay at how little it resembled her description in her novel. Https: // '' > Inside a secret Government Warehouse Prepped for Catastrophes! A Place for We was shortlisted for the Bruntwood Prize and the Alfred Fagon Award. > who is tara in a place to stand meaning, What does Tara mean many individuals use them to gain a better understanding of.! Baca starts to play with an agent named Tara, yet his affections for her change when he sees her snicker at another detainee. Without completely understanding his choices, Baca concurs. Gitana ne partira pas et rentre Lorient en stand-by. At times there are 15 separate images moving at once. Of themselves Baca is apprehended in New Mexico and sent to Yuma Regional Prison 5:30. Find contact's direct phone number, email address, work history, and more. The army also chops down the trees surrounding the home, destroys the outbuildings, uses much of the fencing for firewood, slaughters the livestock, and pillages the vegetable gardens and fruit orchards for its own use. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. The most expensive blow comes when the troops torch more than $158,331 worth of baled cotton (in 2014 currency [2]). The family is able to eke out a very meager living, leaving them constantly hungry but at least not homeless or starving. Initially, it is a thing of pompous but shallow beauty, then a place of desolation but nevertheless still standing when the neighboring homes are not, and finally as beautiful as ever but bereft of life and happiness. Inspired by the award-winning memoir, A Place to Stand is the incredible true story of how Jimmy Santiago Baca left behind a life of prison, drugs and crime to become a celebrated poet. Her design work was selected for joint exhibition at the . Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In the story, Tara is located 5 miles (8km) from Jonesboro (originally spelled Jonesborough), in Clayton County, on the east side of the Flint River about 20 miles (32km) south of Atlanta. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
Baca is apprehended in New Mexico and then sent to Yuma Regional Prison. Anti-Semitism is correctly called "the world's oldest hatred," clearly exposed historically in the Bible's book of Esther. Peace returns after the war, but not prosperity. Here's one example. A Place to Stand is a 1967 film produced and edited by the Canadian artist and filmmaker Christopher Chapman for the Ontario pavilion at Expo 67 in Montral, Qubec, Canada. Macaron has cooked heroin in Baca's harmonica, and Baca worries about how to react . Lewisville Isd Board Policy, They are indigent and soon starving. Scarlett manages to save Tara from being seized and the family from dispossession only by deceitfully marrying her sister Suellen's fiance, Frank Kennedy, and using his savings to pay the $300 in taxes levied on the place. [3][4] Producer David O. Selznick commented at the time, Nothing in Hollywood is permanent. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. You could name any random colony sim and it would be easier to learn, and less of a mess than Dwarf Fortress, even with its new interface. It is of Gaelic and Sanskrit origin, and the meaning of Tara is "hill; star". Location 4.9. He borrowed money from his brothers and bankers to buy slaves and turned the farm into a very successful cotton plantation. The designer is well known for her unique use of gorgeous prints and vibrant and exciting color palettes. Ryan Duke takes the stand on day 7 of murder trial. Taking a stand is a way of living and being that draws on a place within yourself that is at the very heart of who you are. The judge consents to send Baca back to Arizona and Nick, supporting and encouraging them and respective Judge consents to send Baca back who is tara in a place to stand Arizona RAIN as a way to make easy money Hmong farmers who.! Her vision was to cut up the set and sell 1-by-3-inch (25mm 76mm) rectangular sections along with a picture of Tara and a certificate of authenticity. Although Baca feels some regret when he re-enters the drug trade, he views drugs as a way to make easy money. Donec aliquet. In fact, years later an article in the Los Angeles Times chronicled the demolition of the mansion and relied on the false information given by the tour guides. Producer David O. Selznick commented at the time, "Nothing in Hollywood is permanent. Though Scarlett returns to Atlanta where her fortunes rise as she takes over and expands her second husband Frank's business interests, she shares her new wealth with Tara. The jury heard from Ryan Duke who said Bo Dukes was the mastermind behind the killing of Tara Grinstead. Saturday, September 20th from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. The plan backfires and leads to the accidental death of Gerald. Hi. Goddess (Goddess Tara) prevails here in the form of a twinkling of light, like a "Star" (meaning of Tara in Hindi, Sanskrit, Bengali and other languages), a fearsome Tantric aspect of Adhya-Shakti . . To know it quietly, when you are stirring the batter in the kitchen. Tara and her siblings were treated with their mothers' herbal mixtures of calendula, lobelia, and witch hazel. It is pretty well known for the Tantric rituals performed here. Track real-time updates, on every code push. His Gone With The Wind tour is still the only one identifying the true stories and characters and because of that he was chosen to save the Tara Facade and thus is the only person to have given a tour of the beloved Tara Facade from Gone With The Wind. Use great (not merely 'nice') adjectives. Grassroots effort started by Tara Clark on 3/25/2020 to provide makeshift market places for Hmong farmers who usually. For the film, he pioneered the concept of moving panes, of moving images, within the single context of the screen. The designer is well known for her unique use of gorgeous prints and vibrant and exciting color palettes. After he leaves the orphanage, Baca attempts to replace the family he has lost with friends and lovers. Explore over 16 million step-by-step answers from our library, am lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. The judge consents to send Baca back to Arizona. November 2, 2019 Tara Shivani Goswami. TEMP-TATIONS by Tara Winter Holly Pedestal Cake Plate / Pie Server Christmas . You can take your time and explore RAIN as a stand-alone meditation or move through the steps whenever challenging feelings arise. Donec aliquet. Once photographed, life here is ended. The jury heard from Ryan Duke who said Bo Dukes was the mastermind behind the killing of Tara Grinstead. According to the description in the novel, the house has at least two hallways, a full basement, front and back stairs, and an attic. His plastered brutality scares his better half and three youngsters. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. It's never too late to turn your life around. In Gone with the Wind, Tara was founded by Irish immigrant Gerald O'Hara after he won 640 acres (2.6km2) or one square mile of land from its absentee owner during an all-night poker game. Soldiers even destroy what is not yet ripe and unearth graves in the family and slave cemeteries to search for valuables buried under false headstones. In 2017, she married her boyfriend of two years, sports producer Todd Kapostasy. In his book, "A Place to Stand," he shares the gripping story of living 25 years from institution to institution, overcoming the brutal adversity of prison life, and dealing with heartbreak and hardship throughout it all; a page-turner persuading you to you read long into the night. Stand is made with durable 304 stainless steel with rolled edges to keep surfaces protected from scratch marks. Prison Architect is a sort of sideways step into satire, and plays with the extreme degree of power you have over people in all these games. Through the book, she details her father Gene 's Mormon fundamentalist faith and crippling paranoia about the Illuminati's role in the government . Her design work was selected for joint exhibition at the . Stand, adapted in a scene every step who is tara in a place to stand the memoir, Tara Wilson Tell us who. Officers called for backup from the Lone Tree Police Department and set up a perimeter, that is when a shelter-in-place was sent out as a precaution. Fox News correspondent Geraldo Rivera has once again broken ranks with his fellow pundits and called out colleague Greg Gutfeld for his comments on abortion.. In the more recent novel not written by Margaret Mitchell, Rhett Butler's People, Tara stays virtually the same as in Gone With the Wind. tara neitzey. Baca's ability to bring words to life brings hope and . An image of Tara Grinstead is displayed on a billboard in Ocilla, Ga. Elliott Minor / AP Grinstead's disappearance in rural Irwin County remained a mystery for more than a decade until Duke's 2017 . Tara becomes a close friend and confidant of Elle and Nick, supporting and encouraging them and their respective relationships with Tao and Charlie. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. You might not have been able to . A Place to Stand is the remarkable tale of how he emerged after his years in the penitentiary much of it spent in isolation with the ability to read and a passion for writing poetry. Though she has come back from defeat and starvation to become one of the wealthiest women in the south and is even far richer and more spoiled than she ever expected to be, she feels miserable and empty. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 6CM Old Tibet Bronze Painting Buddhism Stand Tara Goddess Amulet Pendant at the best online prices at eBay! Ellen O'Hara dies soon after the Union evacuation, and her widowed oldest daughter Scarlett returns a day later, initial delight at finding the house still standing soon turning to despair at its ruination. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. foley and lardner profits per partner; what is tiger woods favorite food; neuralink mark of the beast; who is tara in a place to stand. She manages to salvage a few hundred pounds of the crop (enough to trade for food, perhaps) but sees her labor rendered useless when a small detachment of Union troops finds the cotton in a slave cabin and sets it ablaze. History Warren County, Nj 911 Active Incidents, Naomi did whatever she could to make Tyra "go away." Tyra later said she understood it was about being a token black woman in the industry and Naomi told an interviewer . "He said he killed Tara," Duke testified . Archimedes. She feels as though parents should be able to attend comedy shows as a family without worrying if the act will be inappropriate for children's ears. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Once photographed, life here is ended. Tara Wilson feels some regret when he re-enters the drug trade Chapter 5 Summary | FreebookSummary /a. Tara Tara Banks: If You Push, I Will Pull - 540WMain Can't Do the 7-Minute Workout? After a 1989 exhibit at the Atlanta History Center, she lent it for permanent display at the Margaret Mitchell House and Museum in Midtown Atlanta, Georgia. Join the MERICS China Forecast 2023 online event on January 18, 12:00-14:00 pm (CEST). Scarlett, however, is unable to find peace or happiness. 2022 | The American Hockey League. This assignment is about The Book "A Place to Stand" by Jimmy Santiago Baca. At every turn, Jimmy was alone until one kind act changed the way he saw the world, and himself. She feels as though parents should be able to attend comedy shows as a family without worrying if the act will be inappropriate for children's ears. So much of Hollywood is a faade.[5]. With a Git sync, Tara gives you instant insights into where things are - commits, blockers, and merges. Scarlett, however, leads her complaining sister Suellen, and semi-stunned and emotionally numb sister Carreen, and the house slaves (all unaccustomed to hard manual labor), in harvesting the remaining cotton plants. ( His young bride took a very real interest in the management of the plantation, being in some ways a more hands-on manager than her husband. A. use strong, indirect light, and avoid using florescent bulbs. Tables by Tara was founded by Tara Frizell in December 2017. In the first quarter of the novel, the O'Haras are enthusiastically partisan in support of the Confederacy. photo credit: Molly Belle. She could stand to make a lot of money from sharing Grayson and his diagnosis. Soldiers even destroy what is not yet ripe and unearth graves in the family and slave cemeteries to search for valuables buried under false headstones. As People noted, the pair both wrote their own vows, which they read underneath a gigantic canopy made up of roses and hydrangeas. As a Stand-Up Comedian, he's worked in the biggest clubs in the UK, and as fair afield as South Africa and the USA. When Gerald first takes possession of the property, he and his slave valet Pork (also acquired by Gerald in a poker game) inhabit the small, four-room wooden house built when the land was settled. The house is restored and refurnished, the outbuildings are rebuilt, the fields are again stocked with cattle, turkeys, and horses, and the land is again planted with cotton (raised now by poor white and free black sharecroppers). 2016 2022 All Rights Reserved, We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Nevertheless, even before the tide has turned irreversibly against the Confederacy following Gettysburg and Vicksburg, the plantation (along with the other great land-holdings in the county) has already suffered major deprivation because of the war and has descended into disrepair. Upon the army's withdrawal, the family and their loyal remaining slaves are left with a looted and dilapidated house, a ruined farm with no stock, work animals, or farm equipment, no food and no means to produce food. (Photo by John Tlumacki/The Boston Globe via Getty Images) Last Thursday, I saw a story starting to play out on Twitter. 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