ohio power siting board solar projects

Information for public officials navigating the solar and wind siting process. .page-id-112692 header, .page-id-112692 footer { #main-nav ul ul, Increases the facilitys nameplate capacity. } .cat-box-content, In the next part of WYSO's series on solar energy in Ohio, Chris will be looking at the battle lines that are emerging around utility-scale solar. Large solar facility which is an electric generating plant that consists of solar panels and associated facilities with a single interconnection to the electric grid that is a major utility facility designed for or capable of operation of 50 megawatts or more. Adds two more voting members to the Ohio Power Siting Board (OPSB) to now include county and township government representatives or designees on solar and wind projects. .tie-cat-8559 .cat-box-content {border-bottom-color:Array; } I love it when all of a sudden a single project doubles the states entire installed solar capacity. #groups-list-options a.selected, Barnesville, OH 43713 If a project is in multiple townships or counties, all of the township trustees in the area vote on the member; likewise for a county commissioner representative when a project spans multiple counties R.C. 52 revises this approval process for new applications or material amendments to existing certificates for an economically significant wind farm, a large wind farm, or a large solar facility. R.C. South Branch Solar applied for permit approval through the Ohio Power Siting Board in July 2021. OPSB Closed February 20 Tim covered project development, legal issues and renewable energy legislation, as well as contributed to the daily Morning Brief. On June 28, 2021, the Ohio General Assembly passed Senate Bill (S.B.) a.more-link, "Senate Bill 52 resources". OPSB Solar Facilities Mapping Application | Ohio Power Siting Board An official State of Ohio site. border-left-color:Array; In the middle of the project area next to a humming inverter on a sunny summer day, there are black, high-wattage panels stretching in every directionpanels that are produced just a few hours away in Toledo by a burgeoning company called First Solar. 4906.021 (C). Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The grandfathering provisions are separate for pending wind and solar projects. var sf_input = '.search-live'; /*Armstong*/ color: #ffffff; The City of Cincinnati recently agreed to a twenty year contract worth more than $125 million. #commentform { So much of this is driven by the corporations and their sustainability goals," Behling said. An overview of the proposed rules impacting solar facilities can be accessed here. .tie-cat-7264 a.more-link {background-color:Array;} /*OFL Podcast*/ } "OPSB annual reports". This site uses cookies. If you're asked to log in with an OHID - the state's best-of-breed digital identity - your privacy, data, and personal information are protected by all federal and state digital security guidelines. }); body{ Go to our Contact Us form and drop us a message. The cost estimate must not take into account the salvage value of materials from the facility. 4906.021(D). .quantity .minus:hover, #members-list-options a.selected, Ohio Power Siting Board has approved 470 MWac of solar and 60 MWac of batteries in two separate projects, as another confirmation of the coming boom in the state and the Midwest. A lock or https:// means you've safely connected to the .gov website. width = 50; #main-nav, Prior to joining the team at WYSO, he did boots-on-the-ground conservation work and policy research on land-use issues in southwest Ohio as a Miller Fellow with the Tecumseh Land Trust. S.B. } #featured-posts .flex-prev:hover, The plan must be prepared by a professional engineer, and designate the responsible parties for decommissioning, a schedule of decommissioning, and cost estimates R.C. Wind and Solar Project Certificates and Material Amendments. As of this month, there are only two utility solar facilities in operation. .tie-cat-14 .cat-box-content {border-bottom-color:Array; } .page-id-112694 header, .page-id-112694 footer { #main-nav ul li.current_page_parent a, More information about COVID-19 and how Ohio is taking action, Visit the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio website. Local Officials Added to Ohio Power Siting Board. } Should the Commissioners not adopt a resolution, the applicant may proceed with the OPSB process. .mejs-container .mejs-controls .mejs-time-rail .mejs-time-current, .tie-cat-60 a.more-link {background-color:Array;} display: none !important; googletag.cmd.push(function() { background-color:#030003 !important; .tie-cat-7264 .cat-box-content {border-bottom-color:Array; } .post-listing, The Wheatsborough Solar project is being developed by Apex Clean Energy, while the Sycamore Creek project is being developed by National Grid Renewables. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. 52 allows county boards of commissioners to designate all or part of an unincorporated area of the county as a restricted area in which utility facility wind and solar projects cannot be permitted by the OPSB. jQuery(sf_input).ajaxyLiveSearch({"expand":false,"searchUrl":"https:\/\/ocj.com\/?s=%s","text":"Search","delay":500,"iwidth":180,"width":315,"ajaxUrl":"https:\/\/ocj.com\/wp-admin\/admin-ajax.php","rtl":0}); Please click here to read the OTA's Social Media Comments Policy. A design modification was filed in December 2021 scaling the project size down from 205 MW to130 MW, in addition to other design enhancements. #buddypress div.item-list-tabs ul li.current a, UPDATE (July 14, 2021): Governer DeWine signed the bill on July 12, 2021. display: none !important; Map shows the locations and status of wind facilities before the OPSB. According to the press release, all four area governments that would be impacted by the solar field construction felt the proposed project would fail to serve the "public interest, convenience and necessity," something required by Ohio law. Dayton, OH 45402-1800 display: none !important; A designee tapped to serve as a voting ad hoc OPSB member must be one of the following from the same political subdivision as the designator: another elected official or a resident. On June 28, 2021, the Ohio General Assembly passed Substitute Senate Bill 52, a significant revision to Ohio's power siting approval process for utility-scale solar and wind projects. More than 150 people were at the Ohio Power Siting Board public hearing Tuesday night at the Whiteoak High School gymnasium . jQuery(this).parent().remove(); .widget.timeline-posts li a:hover, Dickinson Wright PLLC is a Professional Limited Liability Company registered in the United States. #main-nav ul li.current_page_parent a:hover, The siting board on Thursday approved the 80-megawatt Nestlewood solar project that will be built on about 600 acres east of Cincinnati as proposed by Dallas-based developer Lendlease Energy Development, LLC. R.C. OPSB denied the application on the basis of "unanimous and consistent opposition" to the project expressed by local governments. The annual local revenue from this one project will be $1.8 million, with a lifetime revenue of more than $72 million for the local communities. 303.57 (B). It would grant counties and townships a voice in the siting and approval of large-scale wind and solar projects, allowing a community to go so far as to reject facility applications and prohibit facilities in identified restricted areas of the county. R.C. Suite 1110 } background-image: url('https://ocj.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Winter-Header-Image-1920x150-II.png') !important; the Ohio Power Siting Board's review and certification process; the expected timeline of the Project and construction process; and . #buddypress a.button, OPSB is a board that reviews applications for major utility construction in Ohio, consulting industry leaders and local governments in their reviewal process. After a public meeting is held where the project is described, Commissioners can 1) deny the project, 2) modify the footprint, or 3) take no action in which case the applicant can proceed to OPSB on the 91st day. #buddypress #members-directory-form div.item-list-tabs ul li.selected span, Approval for any project must be obtained from the county, even if it is outside a designated restricted area. border-left-color:#000000; jQuery(".live-search_ajaxy-selective-input").keyup(function() { 52, which places new requirements on renewable energy development in Ohio and changes to the Ohio Power Siting Board (OPSB) process. } In one instance, the legal case docket was reopened and modifications to the permit application were made. Ohio Power Siting Board Information: Address: 180 East Broad Street Columbus, Ohio 43215 Telephone number: 1-866-270-6772 OPSB e-mail address: contactOPSB@puco.ohio.gov Website Links: Contact the OPSB OPSB Website Understanding Power Siting - The Standard Application Process Public Participation at the OPSB Company Information 1 The bill establishes a 90-day period of review of wind and solar projects by the applicable Board of County Commissioners. a.button, border-bottom-color: #000000; The board also authorizedHarvey Solar to construct a 350 megawatt solar-powered facility in Hartford and Bennington townships in Licking County. R.C. The OPSB also approved AEP Ohio Transmission Companys plans to construct a 138 kilovolt (kV) electric transmission line in Franklin County. #main-nav ul li.current-page-ancestor a, .page-id-113021 header, .page-id-113021 footer { }); body.dark-skin #members-list-options a.selected, The OPSB is engaged in a comprehensive review of its rules in OAC 4906. odx-share /*Qu*/ Big, Fortune 500 companies partner with solar developers to sign something called a power purchasing agreement. odx-share The smaller of the two projects is the 150 MW Powell Creek Solar project, which will occupy just under 1,000 acres within an approximately 2,0oo-acre site in Putnam County, south of Toledo. #buddypress input[type=reset], #main-nav, display: none !important; This disturbance will trigger some scattered showers over the far northern tier countiesMore from Chief Meteorologist Ryan Martin, March 1, 2023 We start with some clouds today as an area of low pressure passes by to our north out of MI and into southern Ontario. Copyright 2023 - Ohio Township Association. Most of that land also gets good sunshine. The 2,630-acre project area plans to, like Pleasant Prairie, consist of solar panel arrays and other necessary facilities. Ohio Power Siting Board approves two solar energy projects, rejects one The board, which reviews applications for utilities in Ohio, authorized the construction of two solar. .tie-cat-128 .cat-box-content {border-bottom-color:Array; } } Feb 16, 2023 - The OPSB today authorized South Branch Solar, LLC and Border Basin I, LLC to construct solar-powered electric generating facilities in Hancock County. Environmental reporter Chris Welter is a corps member with Report for America, a national service program that places journalists into local newsrooms. Division (D) of Section 4 of S.B. The dashboard displays generators in the PJM Interconnection Queue for Ohio. 1097. .footer-widget-top h4, .footer-widget-top h4 a{ #buddypress button, As part of the siting process, environmental resources, natural resources, and visual impacts . Birch Solar 1, LLC also sought to construct a 300 megawatt solar facility in Shawnee Township in Allen County and Logan Township in Auglaize County. body.dark-skin #buddypress div.item-list-tabs ul li a span, The OPSB will hold a local public hearing regarding Circleville Solars proposal to construct a 3.6-mile, 138 kilovolt (kV) transmission line to connect the proposed Circleville Solar Project generation facility to an existing 138 kV substation in the city of Circleville. .widget-feedburner .feedburner-subscribe, } .search-block:after { #login-form .login-button, Final project design for Arche are expected to be completed in the third quarter. display: none !important; In 2017, he completed the radio training program at WYSO's Eichelberger Center for Community Voices. /*Kellogg*/ Services, Health, Natural Resources, and Agriculture; a representative of the public; and four nonvoting legislative members. .widget.timeline-posts li a:hover span.tie-date:before { Local opponents have succeeded in killing plans for a solar array in rural Ohio that now becomes one of the largest renewable energy projects in the country canceled because of resistance from nearby residents and their elected leaders. build(); Creditors' Rights, Restructuring & Bankruptcy. Kingwood has completed its application for approval from the Ohio Power Siting Board, which ultimately makes the . "What I call the top five, the big five data centers, Amazon, Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Apple. 52. According to Section 4 of S.B. [CDATA[ */ The larger project is the 577 MW Fox Squirrel Solar project, which will occupy approximately 3,444 acres within a 3,766-acre area located in Madison County, west of Columbus. } /*Tilmon*/ addSize([600,800], [[468, 60]]).//Tabletverticle Grassroots groups against utility scale solar farms have formed in Darke, Greene and Preble counties. For wind, S.B. #topcontrol, The panels follow the sun from east to west throughout the day to maximize efficiency. }); "Economically, solar makes the most sense when you have a very large piece of land that's flat, has access to the sun obviously, and you get economies of scale, he said. Here's how you know Language Translation Cases Processes Rules About Us Help Go to the help page Search Search in Ohio Power Siting Board portal OPSB About Us Resources OPSB Solar Facilities Mapping Application .widget-feedburner .feedburner-subscribe, Stay informed. } With new requirements, timing components, and processes, it will be vital for developers to understand the critical components and details of the law. The Ohio Power Siting Board approved the Harvey Solar Project, leading the way for a 350 MW solar facility in Licking County. Read the latest issue of Ohio's Country Journal online. Map shows the project status for natural gas cases before the Ohio Power Siting Board. The Ohio Power Siting Board on Thursday approved the 80-megawatt Angelina Solar Project and the 69.9-megawatt Alamo Solar Project. color: #ffffff; color :#ffffff; Increase the facilitys nameplate capacity, Change the facilitys generation type from one type of utility facility to another, or. The states surprisingly strong solar resource, the available transmission capacity, and the amount of flat, tillable acreage in the state have positioned Ohio to be a potential leader in the region. input[type="submit"], Countys Option to Grant PILOT Extended in Ohios Budget Bill (HB 110). The law now sunsets at the end of 2024. .page-id-113051 header, .page-id-113051 footer { body.dark-skin #buddypress div.item-list-tabs ul li.current a, "Ohio Generation Interconnection". odx-share odx-share #buddypress div.item-list-tabs ul li.selected a, .page-id-113079 header, .page-id-113079 footer { #buddypress input[type=submit], "OPSB Solar Facilities Mapping Application". .form-submit #submit, Mr. Pedder stated that whether the PILOT is approved or not, once the Ohio Power Siting Board approves this project, it will move forward. display: none !important; On June 28, 2021, the Ohio General Assembly passed Senate Bill (S.B.) PublishedAugust 15, 2021 at 10:17 AM EDT. Map shows the locations and status of battery storage projects before the OPSB. The Ohio Power Siting Board has a new solar farm interactive map available. S.B. At least 90 days, but not more than 300 days, prior to applying to the OPSB for a certificate or a material amendment to a certificate, a project must hold a public meeting in each county where the facility is to be located. .tie-cat-150 a.more-link {background-color:Array;} Hardin County Chamber & Business Alliance is encouraged that the Ohio Power Siting Board approved an application for Hardin County Solar to move one step closer to breaking ground especially now, as we consider the importance of building a stronger, more resilient economy, said Jacqueline Fitzgerald, Hardin County Chamber & Business Alliance Director of Community Development. dody teachman figure skating coach, drexel heritage discontinued collections, Facilitys nameplate capacity. 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ohio power siting board solar projects