summer 2022

Children’s drawings from refugee camp in Marib, see the page:

The art of children

It was hot this summer in the army tent in Aardenburg, (see the report of the Report of the Aardenburg Arts festival  it was even hotter in the Marib tent camps, that had been set up set up since the war broke out in Yemen (8 years ago).
It was also confronting when I received a series of children’s drawings from the refugee camp, which currently houses 200,000 Yemenis and immigrants.

A small stone building has been erected in the camp where lessons can be given, but most children are taught outside.
The children in the camp were asked to draw their dreams, and almost every child drew a house…

spring 2022

art projects & exhibitions 22/23


This summer an art project will be started in which Yemeni children who now live in a refugee camp in Marib will participate, by initiative of Hesham Ameen (born Jemen, residence Selangor, Malaysia 2011).


#KFA22 OVER GRENZEN 16 juli t/m 4 sept. Kunstenfestival Aardenburg (KFA). Beyond borders is the title of KFA, Festival of Arts. The work created by Ingrid van de Linde for this has its origins in this project Children of Yemen. The historical poetic text from Yemen (see above & ABOUT website ) forms the starting point for the installation with video: Who oh who are you? Are you my other I? 

photo collage of the installation: 

In the video, portraits of children from Yemen and traces of a burned landscape have been processed into a visual poem. The video will be presented in an installation. Filmduration: 7:35 min. 


An art production focused on the social effect by bridging between two cultures. Between hope and memory, looking for that which connects us. 

This website will also serve as a prelude to our main goal, the Children of Yemen exhibition in Pulchri
The Hague, Oct. 2023

The following artists are going to participate, because of their relationship with Yemen and their concern about the ongoing war:

MURAD SUBAY: Muralist, visual artist. Murad Subay (born 1987 Dhamar, Yemen, 2015  resicidence, Paris, France).

THANA FAROQ: Yemeni documentary photographer. Thana Faroq(born 1990 Taiz Yemen,  residence 2015 The Hague, Neteherlands).

SARA ISHAQ: Film director. Sara Ishaq (born 1984 Scotland, raised in Yemen, residence 2015 Amsterdam, Netherlands).

SAEED AL-GARIRI: Poet, writer, professor. Saeed Al-Gariri (born 1962 Hadramout, Yemen, residence 2014 Amsterdam, Netherlands).

ROBIN KOLLEMAN: Visual artist. Robin Kolleman (born 1960 in Dwingeloo, residence Rotterdam, Netherlands).

INGRID VAN DE LINDE: Visual artist and part-time filmmaker. Ingrid van de Linde (born 1959,  residence Goes, Netherlands).

Target: To create awareness in the Netherlands through art about the situation of children in Yemen.
Art that occupies an important place between two opposing cultures and that invites reflection and dialogue.


* Will continue to acquire sufficient grant funds. A commitment has already been made by Pax for Peace, Prince Bernhard Cultuur Fonds and Mr. August Fentener van Vlissingen Fonds.

If you want to support the project financially, you can send an email to KK9 Foundation is a cultural ANBI foundation.

Comments are welcome via the email address

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(c)2021 Kinderen van Jemen – alle rechten voorbehouden aan de auteur   |   Websiteontwerp door Ingrid van de Linde – in samenwerking met  Mediator Media